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There are authors who write wonderful books based on careful research; some motivate readers through impassioned pleas that flow out of deep-seated convictions. The VIP Christian certainly shares these traits, but it is more. I have known the author, Abraham Ajenifuja, for several decades, and have watched his life. What he writes is not just something deeply believed, but also genuinely lived. Abraham models in his own life the challenge of The VIP Christian. It is a life where the gospel of Jesus Christ is not just believed, but incarnated in character and action in the same way Jesus lived. It is a gospel life filled with the glory of the all-powerful God, not only transforming the genuine believer, but bringing the extraordinary power of God to work in every relationship in an ever-expanding network of radical change. This book is not simply a challenge, it is a testimony of what Jesus Christ can do.

Philip PowersLead Pastor
Forcey Bible Church Silver Spring, Maryland

Sadly many hear Jesus’ words and walk away content to settle for far less than obedience to Him. THE VIP CHRISTIAN is an epic call not to comfortable discipleship but to taking up our cross, following Jesus and entering the fray and messiness of Kingdom living. Expect to be challenged, transformed and filled with expectation!!

Dr. Michael Sprague, Louisiana State Chaplain, Capitol Commission,
President, Grace Adventures

“Wow! I have one word for The VIP Christian – Powerful! In this book, God uses my friend, Abraham Ajenifuja, to articulate in a most incredible and compelling way, what it should look like to be a follower of Christ. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior this book is a roadmap for how God can work through you to transform the world. If you don’t know God, and are just a little curious about what He’s up to, this is the book for you. The spirit of God flows through The VIP Christian like a gushing river. I thank God for Him working through Abraham to bring us this clear picture of what real living looks like.”

Gary Williams, President Coakley & Williams Hotel Management
Company and Servant of God

Drink slowly and deeply. Relish the richness within each page. Do you ever wonder what is behind all that is happening in your life? Do you long to know the heart of God? Discover the wonders within the Word of God as author Abraham Ajenifuja,
opens the scriptures in a new and powerful way that helps both the new and seasoned Christian taste and see the heart and mind of God. Get ready for a 5-course meal when you sit down to the rich and meaty text in this book. If you are like me, you will want to savor every page, chewing it over and over in your mind as you meditate on the themes presented therein. You will find inspiration, encouragement and challenge on every page of The VIP Christian.

Nancy Parlette, M.S. Author, Speaker and Digestive Health Specialist

“In an age when this current worldly culture is having a dangerous influence on the Christian population, the work of Mr. Ajenifuja in The VIP Christian is a needed wake-up call for us to examine our minds and hearts as to how well we are conforming to our God-given purpose on this earth. It is His purpose to reveal through true Christians His great glory, that the citizens of a deeply troubled world be impelled to seek Him out and find salvation through His redeeming grace. The book is doctrinally solid. Added to that, Mr. Ajenifuja embellished The VIP Christian with powerfully passionate application. The reader could not help but closely examine his or her own life and discipleship for Christ from the compelling, biblical truth throughout this book. Living and ministering only for the glory of Lord comes through loud and clear, and with compelling conviction.”

Pastor Gerard Small, Senior Pastor 
Forcey Bible Church (Retired)

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