As we celebrate the fourth of July tomorrow, I want to reflect and join all of us who are talking about the significance of what happened in history and why we are celebrating it.
The fourth of July is a celebration of the declaration of independence from the British power and into freedom of self-rule as one nation under God. The independence did not come easy, it took wars, battles, sacrifice of lives, revolution that finally led to the independence we celebrate today.
Can you imagine life in the world today without this independence? There will be nothing such as free world. The democratic form of government, the separation of powers, the free enterprise, the advancement in the world would not be possible. The United States of America brings those same attributes of independence to other countries and lends her democratic values to countries and individuals who are experiencing forced rule of government and helped them to be set free.
Something Is Missing
But what is missing in the world today is that kind of determination, resiliency, sacrifice to step into and fight for a worthy cause. If we take a quick look at the family, education, business, religion, and governments of the world, we find they are all experiencing a form of deficit, scarcity and poverty that keeps them undervalue, underperforming and unfulfilling their purpose. Something Is Missing in them.
What is missing is advocacy.
There is an advocacy for these needs to be met. There are direct or indirect calls from the leaders in those spaces looking for people who can come alongside and help them overcome their challenges.
The Four Kinds of Advocates
But first, what is advocacy?
Advocacy is simply a direct or indirect call for help. People in advocacy have experienced series of challenges in life that placed them at a disadvantage to fair well in life. They have tried to make things better for themselves, but they do not have sufficient energy to take them out of the hamster wheel.
They are working hard but life is like two steps forward and three steps backward. This is the story of humanity. Without advocacy the world will descend into more of the survival of the fittest battle which will result in anarchy. And with anarchy, no one will be exempted from the effects.
A common preconception of advocacy is that it is for non-profit, or activism, demonstration, and protest. This is not the case. One can be an advocate and not carry placards, speak in the public arena with megaphone loudspeaker and do any other advocation commonly attributed to non-profit kind of advocacy. True advocates identify with a particular cause and seek ways to help openly or even anonymously. This can be on the individual level or a common cause of a group of people working together to make the world a better place to live.
And to meet the needs of advocacy in these areas, and to make the world a better place to live, the world needs authentic advocates who can step in and answer the call of these voices. There are four types of advocates.
Authentic Advocates
The first type is the authentic of advocates who are genuinely interested in answering the call of advocacy. These are the people who hear the voice of advocacy and can feel it in the depths of their hearts and have the time, skills, energy to response to this call. They come alongside, to first authenticate the voice of advocacy, and them promote, support, and give life to their voice and the cause. They bring inspiration, education, motivation, access, resources, introduction to other helpers and function as champions.
Speculative Advocates
The second potential advocates are speculative advocates. They are idle speculators who may or may not be equipped to answer a particular kind of call, but who speculate, and think there are others who are better qualified to step in and help. They will not do the minimum to respond to this call. Speculative advocates are not only speculators in this way, but they tend to have the same personal respond to challenges and even in their personal lives.
Investigative Advocates
The third kind of advocates are the investigators. While investigating how to help is a good thing, these potential advocates take it to the extreme. They are conducting endless research on how to help, what they might get in return for their efforts, and they end up procrastinating and not doing anything about the call for help. Investigative advocates are risk averse not in this case but also in their personal life. They are too cautious, too careful, having the power to help but afraid of risking their time, energy, and money.
Counterfeit advocates
The fourth potential advocates are the counterfeit advocates. They present a friendly helper image as potential advocates but who instead of being a help in times of trouble, decide to take advantage of and exploit the situation. They present themselves as true helpers, but deceptively intend to take advantage of the need of the people. They make the individual worse than when they first met them. Counterfeit advocates are schemers, are not just taking advantage, but this is their lifestyle. They have roving eyes seeking whom they may devour. Instead of helping to set them free, they use their counterfeit device to make them twice as much in bondage
They are unconscionably, strutting their wares, boasting of wins, while causing harm and building their wealth on the backs of people who are already beaten down in life and doing it with deceptive devices that look authentic from the outside but are actually wolves in sheep's clothing..
What do you think?
So, what do you think about the need for advocacy? What is coming to your heart as you read this article? How do you interpret the need for advocacy for yourself or for others? Do you have a particular need as a leader in the home, business, education, religion, or government?
The fact is that the world needs authentic advocates. Those people who have contributed most to the advancement of humanity are authentic advocates. Beginning with Jesus, who set the standard for authentic advocacy, laid down his life so that all humans could be set free to live freely, enjoy excellent quality of life and make bigger impact in the world than He did. They are people such as Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther of the reformation, Martin Luther King Jr of “I have a dream” David Livingston of England, Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
There are people right now living not too far from where you are who are not enjoying the freedom purchased by the people mentioned above. They are living undervalue lives. There are still cries of Rebecca still mourning the loss of her children. Rebecca’s mourning is an expression of Jacob’s wife who is still in anguish for the killing of her children by King Herod who ordered killing of young children hoping to eliminate Jesus [ Jeremiah 31:15]. The absence of authentic advocates leaves the world in peril.
There are others such as Billy Graham, Steve Jobs, Thomas Watson, who have made advancement in science, technology, education, business, religion, and government.
My solution is The Authentic Advocate powered by the VIP.
Through my proprietary process, VIP the secret logic of having an inner peace - the clarity, calm and confidence of a healthy mind and inner wealth the secret logic of building a flourishing high profitable business, by the end of the program you will have a healthier mind, a wealthier heart, and a happier life, so you will have more influence in your world and more impact that makes the world better. VIP is the only way to be authentic impact makers. Everyone mentioned above made their impact in the world through the VIP.
VIP is the common parlance, usually made in reference to very important personalities. But my version of VIP is even much more. It gives everyone access to the DNA of longer life and better quality of life while making significance impact in the world.
If you want to know more about VIP and how it can make your life to significantly flourish, as an advocate, please book a call with me here and let’s chat
Thank you.
Abraham Joseph Ajenifuja
Executive VIP Ambassador
All Rights Reserved | Abraham Joseph