The The King woke up with a troubled mind.
This is usually caused by a troubling and startling dream.
The King Nebuchadnezzar was not only troubled, but he could
not remember his dream. He demanded to have someone interpret
his dream or else and that compounded his problem further.
When you cannot sleep at night, it is not only because
Caffeine intake or late-night dinner or snack.
Sleeplessness is evidence of underlying problem that is new or has been
persisting for a long time unaddressed and intertwined with
different areas of your life and keeps you awake, unable to sleep.
It comes from the conscience. The divine space between cognition and conception
of value, where thoughts and intents are evaluated to see if they are in alignment
with the direction of providence. Conscience will graciously give red, yellow, and green signal to prevent acts of omission or commission. And we all have the freedom of choice to receive its promptings by grace. When we override it, the conscience will protest temporarily, but it will resurface with persistent protest at a time we least expect and in a way that will be unsettling, including in the middle of the night.
The conscience may be silenced but it will not be ignored.
You spend the whole night exploring the root cause or what to do about it,
How to go about it and you come back to the same place where you started
You have tried all but no solution.
Here you are doing your best to better your life and your business and yet things are not improving. You compare yourself with where you were last year and nothing much has changed.
You compare yourself with your peers, and you feel you should have
Been further ahead in life.
Something is missing and you cannot place your hand on it. Or perhaps
you know what it is, but you need help in bringing a new insight. Or
it is a recurring problem, and you want someone to come alongside with you.
In any case this thing is affecting your health, your peace of mind, your
productivity, your relationship etc.
Are you experiencing sleeplessness where your eyes are closed but you are not sleeping?
Do you go to bed and find yourself aware in couple of hours because you cannot sleep?
It may seem to be a physical problem, but the root is not physical.
Do you look at the clock and the clock says three in the morning when everyone else is enjoying their rest?
If you are, you are not alone! Many leaders like you who work hard are also conscientious people
They pay attention to what the conscience is saying.
I have the good news for you.
Wait no longer. Let me come along beside you and help sort it out
Together we will find the source, personal, relational or professional.
I will show you what is happening with my VIP Peace Profit System
It is the same ancient divine system used to help King Nebuchadnezzar solve
his problem. It is still potent and powerfully and lovingly helping people
all over today.
Click the link below, schedule a time to chat and let’s talk about it.
All Rights Reserved | Abraham Joseph