By Abraham Ajenifuja
August 26, 2021
QUOTE: Life is an enterprise, what you make out of it is your business – Abraham J Ajenifuja. The bump was loud and brutal. It was business-mission trip to Nigeria in 2004. Eight of us landed in Abuja, and we took another flight to Owerri, in the eastern part of the country. This was my first time in this part of Nigeria. And then we must take a two-hour road trip to the town. We were on a mission to train the pastors about leadership and how to equip the congregation. A journey that should have taken two hours took almost forever. Main reason – the rain and slippery roads. I felt so sorry for three Caucasian members of our team – our former pastor in old age, a Bible College professor, and a woman. Two of us were Nigerians. I remember the road trip as we all cramped in this small car and our luggage in another following us behind. The bump was a brutal loud shock. It shook me up. Looked like the car would never get out of it. The driver told us not to worry. But these two older gentlemen seem to be expecting it and they were good sport. This bump and many others became a source of good humor jokes for many years later. We were God’s entrepreneur-ambassador on a business mission to this town. The mission was successful, and we returned to the US ten days later. Yes, life is an enterprise and what we make out of it is our business. But what kind of business is another question. In order to understand this quote, we have to understand three things: Life, Enterprise, and Business. Life is our time, and space here on earth is a journey. We are all passing through. And passing through to make an impact that will make the world better than we received it. It takes us through valleys and mountains. Sometimes, we are on top of a mountain having achieved something great, no matter what. Sometimes we are in a valley and other times you are on a bumpy and crooked road. It cost time, energy, and money. These bumps, mountains and valleys come in different form. But how we respond to it is our business that makes us better business leaders. An enterprise is a view of life that says - Life is beauty, with an eye to see what obstructs the beauty. An entrepreneur sees the beauty of life not through the lens of structures of organizations, association, government, businesses, etc., but through the lens of God’s Vision, Intent and Purpose [VIP] for the people that make up the entities. As God’s ambassadors, we were aware of this problem facing the pastors and we went on a business mission trip to address it. A business is a going concern set up to meet any deficiency in the enterprise of life. And once that deficiency is corrected, you often see an entrepreneur selling that business and moving on to other gaps in the enterprise of life. So, are you an entrepreneur? If so what is your view of life Are you in charge if a business? If so, what is the meaning or contribution of your business to the enterprise of life. As a leader, how aware are you that you are God’s ambassador-entrepreneur or a business leader or both. I mean real time, psycho-spiritual awareness that drives you? If not, life may look successful on the outside, but internally it would be life, full of sound and fury signifying nothing – W. Shakespeare. In other words, lacking meaningfulness. But I trust this is not the case! If you are either or both, the world needs you right now. The world is aching, hungry and thirsty for 21 st leadership. How are you responding to this call? Please share. And what challenges are you facing? Please, comment below. Thanks Thanks for reading Abraham J Ajenifuja, VIP Spiritual Entrepreneur, 21st Century. P.S If you need some professional guidance from the 21 st Century VIP Spiritual Entrepreneur, please contact me at 301-806-6340.