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For the Beauty of Life and Business

Abraham Ajenifuja • March 24, 2022

What Makes for Successfully Transitioning? There is a divine paradigm woven into the fabric of life that assures creating and sustaining of beauty. Knowledge of this paradigm is a key reason why we experience pain or pleasure in life or business transitions

For the Beauty of Life and Business


May I ask you a question?


Of all the seasons, which one if your most favorite and least preferred one? Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall.


There is one I do not look forward to. You guessed it. Winter. For me, it is simple. I love Spring and I do not like Winter! My relationship with Winter is as cold and the name depicts.


I am warm body, I do not like cold weather. I do not look forward to snow. I know some people love it. I do not. I do not look forward to weatherman forecasting two to five inches of snow. I do not like the sound of scrapping snow off the windshield early in the morning etc. It is not only the winter itself but my experiences with winter. All I would think of is the snow, shoveling, bundling up, all kind of drivers on the road, accidents, ambulances, and a boss who watches the seconds on the clock when I come late to work.


But I have no choice. I had to go to work, earn income and take care of family. And you know what? I am finding a way to prepare myself for it and do the scraping shoveling etc. So, even though I don’t like winter, I find a way to live through it as I look forward to the Spring. And guess what? It feels good each time I complete the shoveling. Good for my muscle, my heart, and a sense of accomplishment. I know winter is going to come again, but I don’t dwell on it. But when it comes, I will prepare for the transition which I have learned how to do through time.


So, it is in life and business.


There are certain areas of life and business that we would rather not deal with, but they are the key areas that will bring the transformation we need and the results that we want. It is the transformation that builds value into our lives and businesses.


That brings me to the topic of continuity and transition of life and how we enter and thrive in different life seasons.


Life is full of continuity and transitions. We transition personally and professionally. Personally, in our biology, psychology, relationship, and professionally in our career, business, and other enterprises.


There is a divine paradigm of continuity that is woven into the fabric of life enterprise. The continuity is the continuity of beauty, how we transition into beauty and the sustaining of the beauty in our lives.


Beauty in this sense are the things that add value into life and business. In life, things like acceptance, dignity, significance, career, relationship, security add value and in business things like leadership, creativity, robust team, client base revenue and profit all add value to a business.


Success in life and business depends on how we understand this divine paradigm and how we thrive in it.


The pains and pleasures of life is beauty trying to express itself. And if not able, it will create a friction and symptoms of pain. Pleasure is what we experience when we successfully transition and expressing beauty.


If you take a close look at your life or business, you will see a continuous thread of beauty trying to express itself in your life as you transition from one phase to another and beauty trying to sustain itself while in the new phase.


How we thrive in this transition depends how we anticipate it, engage with it, will have a direct effect on how we thrive in profit and prosperity.


What about you?


How are you doing in life and business today? Are you about to transition or you are in transition already? Have you transitioned and still finding your way through so you can thrive in it? We all are either in one these three areas – about to transition, in transition or have already transitioned.


In either case, we need some trusted advisors who are experts in these areas of life and business to help in building value into life and business so we can thrive in our transitions and expression of beauty.


Helping people to thrive, building abundance into life no matter which of the three stages they are is my specialty of my proprietary coaching system - The Spiritual Human Genome Coaching. It coaches you through nine different areas of transition in life and business.


If you are experiencing challenges in life or business and you would like to have an expert insight to think things through with you, please click below and book a VIP Strategy Session with me.



Challenges of life are difficult as they are and even more difficult to bear alone. I am excited to help you with a unique insight into these areas and would love to chat with you in the strategy session


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QUOTE: Life is an enterprise, what you make out of it is your business – Abraham J Ajenifuja. The bump was loud and brutal. It was business-mission trip to Nigeria in 2004. Eight of us landed in Abuja, and we took another flight to Owerri, in the eastern part of the country. This was my first time in this part of Nigeria. And then we must take a two-hour road trip to the town. We were on a mission to train the pastors about leadership and how to equip the congregation. A journey that should have taken two hours took almost forever. Main reason – the rain and slippery roads. I felt so sorry for three Caucasian members of our team – our former pastor in old age, a Bible College professor, and a woman. Two of us were Nigerians. I remember the road trip as we all cramped in this small car and our luggage in another following us behind. The bump was a brutal loud shock. It shook me up. Looked like the car would never get out of it. The driver told us not to worry. But these two older gentlemen seem to be expecting it and they were good sport. This bump and many others became a source of good humor jokes for many years later. We were God’s entrepreneur-ambassador on a business mission to this town. The mission was successful, and we returned to the US ten days later. Yes, life is an enterprise and what we make out of it is our business. But what kind of business is another question. In order to understand this quote, we have to understand three things: Life, Enterprise, and Business. Life is our time, and space here on earth is a journey. We are all passing through. And passing through to make an impact that will make the world better than we received it. It takes us through valleys and mountains. Sometimes, we are on top of a mountain having achieved something great, no matter what. Sometimes we are in a valley and other times you are on a bumpy and crooked road. It cost time, energy, and money. These bumps, mountains and valleys come in different form. But how we respond to it is our business that makes us better business leaders. An enterprise is a view of life that says - Life is beauty, with an eye to see what obstructs the beauty. An entrepreneur sees the beauty of life not through the lens of structures of organizations, association, government, businesses, etc., but through the lens of God’s Vision, Intent and Purpose [VIP] for the people that make up the entities. As God’s ambassadors, we were aware of this problem facing the pastors and we went on a business mission trip to address it. A business is a going concern set up to meet any deficiency in the enterprise of life. And once that deficiency is corrected, you often see an entrepreneur selling that business and moving on to other gaps in the enterprise of life. So, are you an entrepreneur? If so what is your view of life Are you in charge if a business? If so, what is the meaning or contribution of your business to the enterprise of life. As a leader, how aware are you that you are God’s ambassador-entrepreneur or a business leader or both. I mean real time, psycho-spiritual awareness that drives you? If not, life may look successful on the outside, but internally it would be life, full of sound and fury signifying nothing – W. Shakespeare. In other words, lacking meaningfulness. But I trust this is not the case! If you are either or both, the world needs you right now. The world is aching, hungry and thirsty for 21 st leadership. How are you responding to this call? Please share. And what challenges are you facing? Please, comment below. Thanks Thanks for reading Abraham J Ajenifuja, VIP Spiritual Entrepreneur, 21st Century. P.S If you need some professional guidance from the 21 st Century VIP Spiritual Entrepreneur, please contact me at 301-806-6340.
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How well you know yourself will determine your success in life. There is a subtle gap between “who” and “why”, but which has created a huge deficit is all spectra of human endeavor. Can you imagine when Moses asked God who should I say sent me and God said “Just tell them I want to deliver them from Egypt?
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Can one be poor and yet make others rich? What do you think? Let me explain what I mean by rich. Being rich here does not always means money rich. Riches can be material or immaterial possession. It can be spiritual or natural. It can be a state of well-being - wellness, wholeness, life in abundance etc. It can be elevation of status that create riches etc. So, yes it is possible. There are positive and negative sides to the poor making others rich. In this blog and following ones, I am going to share five [5] perspective of how people are enriched by the poor – Three [3] positives and two [2] two negatives. I will share what to do to keep doing good and how to avoid the negative aspects. Let’ s examine the first example – A positive effect. Situation#1 Servant girl and the Soldier A young servant girl saw the pain and agony of her mistress’s husband who was suffering from leprosy. Leprosy is a debilitating disease that attacks the nerve system, desensitizing it so that the leper has no sensation of the exterior limbs. It deforms and paralyzes. Lepers are often separated from the public and ostracized to the outskirt of the town. And the soldier was not an ordinary soldier. He was a mighty warrior who brought lots of victory to the land. Perhaps, different methods of healing have been sought. But no solution. The situation was getting worst day by day. The servant girl approached her mistress. She spoke something to the effect - I know of a healer who can heal the master. That simple statement led to a series of actions that eventually healed the master. He was cleansed when he dipped himself seven times in a river as prescribed by a prophet of God. Who could have thought that dipping in a river would be the cure for the Leprosy? Can you imagine life with leprosy? The pains, agony affecting the skin. Loss of sensation and deformities? Now that health is restored, can you also imagine the wellness and wholeness of the master? Vision for work and passion for life If you asked the master if he were richer or poorer as a result of the servant’s girl’s recommendation, what do you suppose he would say? Of course, richer! In fairness to the soldier master, he offered gift to the prophet which the prophet of God refused. But there is no record, he did the same to the servant girl. APPLICATION: There are many people who are rich today, perhaps seating in the position of power because they had new life to pursue their life dream. And the new life came by a well taken advice, a prayer of righteous person, who was often thought as a lowly poor person. Is this you? If as a business leader, CEO, or manager you have benefited from such a blessing, from someone whom you have looked at as poor, lowly, and someone to take advantage of with dubious schemes. “Can one be poor and yet make others rich? What do you think? Let me explain what I mean by rich. Being rich here does not always means money rich. Riches can be material or immaterial possession. It can be spiritual or natural. It can be a state of well-being - wellness, wholeness, life in abundance etc. It can be elevation of status that create riches etc. So, yes it is possible. There are positive and negative sides to the poor making others rich. In this blog and following ones, I am going to share five [5] perspective of how people are enriched by the poor – Three [3] positives and two [2] two negatives. I will share what to do to keep doing good and how to avoid the negative aspects. Let’ s examine the first example – A positive effect. Situation#1 Servant girl and the Soldier A young servant girl saw the pain and agony of her mistress’s husband who was suffering from leprosy. Leprosy is a debilitating disease that attacks the nerve system, desensitizing it so that the leper has no sensation of the exterior limbs. It deforms and paralyzes. Lepers are often separated from the public and ostracized to the outskirt of the town. And the soldier was not an ordinary soldier. He was a mighty warrior who brought lots of victory to the land. Perhaps, different methods of healing have been sought. But no solution. The situation was getting worst day by day. The servant girl approached her mistress. She spoke something to the effect - I know of a healer who can heal the master. That simple statement led to a series of actions that eventually healed the master. He was cleansed when he dipped himself seven times in a river as prescribed by a prophet of God. Who could have thought that dipping in a river would be the cure for the Leprosy? Can you imagine life with leprosy? The pains, agony affecting the skin. Loss of sensation and deformities? Now that health is restored, can you also imagine the wellness and wholeness of the master? Vision for work and passion for life If you asked the master if he were richer or poorer as a result of the servant’s girl’s recommendation, what do you suppose he would say? Of course, richer! In fairness to the soldier master, he offered gift to the prophet which the prophet of God refused. But there is no record, he did the same to the servant girl. APPLICATION: There are many people who are rich today, perhaps seating in the position of power because they had new life to pursue their life dream. And the new life came by a well taken advice, a prayer of righteous person, who was often thought as a lowly poor person. Is this you? If as a business leader, CEO, or manager you have benefitted from such a blessing, from someone whom you have looked at as poor, lowly, and someone to take advantage of with dubious schemes. “ Listen to me dear brothers and sisters. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith? Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised to those who love him? But you dishonor the poor! - James 2:5a, NLT. And perhaps even despised due to their socioeconomic status, culture, color, or language, it would be a great display of integrity and humility to acknowledge them and pay restitution. Let them know how their advice, prayer, or whatever they did improve your life. If you can do that, you will indeed be honoring God because it was God working through them to bless you. Conclusion. Because of pride and greed, it is difficult for some leaders to admit the fact of being enriched by the wisdom of a lowly poor person. Do not despise the lowly person in rank. If you receive an idea from a subordinate or a lowly person that benefited you, and your business please don’t discount it. Don’t mistake their perceived poverty as opportunity to prey on them. They are not poor, but rich in faith and generous towards God. They are just being faithful to God. Don’t take them for granted. If you do, sooner or later, you will give an account because you are dealing with God. To the giver, I say don’t be weary of doing good. When you see others prospering as a result of your gift. Don’t accept the label of being poor either. God created you as His wealthy image bearer. Wait on God for your reward. It will surely come. God loves a cheerful giver. The poor person faithfulness and the expression of gratitude to the maidservant are both honoring to God. This is God’s way of working in the lives of both the poor and the rich to fulfill His will. They both serve the larger purpose of God. God is the God of the poor and the rich, and it is He who gives the good and perfect gift, no matter how small or big in our eyes. God has a vision, intent, and purpose for both the poor and the rich. Both are serving God’s grand vision. Give thanks to God! Read more of the story in the Bible – 2 Kings 5
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